Thursday, April 26, 2012

These Are Not Scams; These Are Masterplans! scam
According to a report by the National White Collar Crime Center and FBI, millions of Americans are hit by scams every year. Most of them are victims of master plan phishing e-mails that steal users’ identities.

In this masterplan, tricksters send you a scam email that looks normal. It directs you to a website that seems perfectly legitimate. The site asks you to provide personal details. If you have been cast by the spell, you give the info.

Now for the shock – the site is a scam. If you give your personal information, the master plan creators are sure to steal your Social Security Number.

What exactly happens?

You get an email from your bank, alerting you about masterplans scam. It asks you to verify your bank details and says that if you don’t do this at once, your account may close. Watch out! The email looks real with logos and links and all. The reality is that a bunch of scammers are waiting out there for your personal details to come out on the web, so that they can use it to empty your account.

When you receive such mails, the first thing to ponder on is: if this really is your bank alerting you, and if this really is an emergency, the bank should call and talk to you directly about masterplan complains and scams.

FBI scams!

Sometime back, the FBI warned web users that somebody on the internet, disguised as FBI itself, was sending fake emails titled “FBI Investigation.” They lure web users into purchasing products from another website, which is again a scam.

Internet is next to oxygen for living on earth! But the difference between internet and oxygen is that the latter is always pure with no masterplans scam. But, internet is marked with increasing scam rates. It’s not our view, but the growing number of complaints suggests this.

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